Number | Title | Author |
305 | BetSwirl - Create Pool and register Market | |
306 | Create the Kwenta Pool | |
307 | Thales - Create Pool and register Markets | cyberduck, Cavalier |
Number | Title | Author |
1 | SCCP Purpose and Guidelines | |
2 | Change C Ratio to 750% | |
3 | Raise exchange fee to 50 basis points for two weeks | |
4 | Raise exchange fee to 50 basis points for two weeks | |
5 | Increase Arb Pool Distribution to 5% | |
6 | Reduce Claim Buffer | |
7 | Reduce exchange fee to 30 basis points for two weeks | Arthur, nocturnalsheet |
8 | Increase exchange fee back to 50 basis points | |
9 | Redeploy iXTZ and iBNB | |
10 | Reduce minter reward for supply schedule | |
11 | Raise Trading Fee to 100bps | |
12 | Temporarily Deactivate Exploited Assets | |
13 | Temporarily lower fee claim buffer to 500% | |
14 | Increase Collateralisation Ratio to 800% | |
15 | Increase ETH Collateral sETH Limit | |
16 | Increase Fee Reclamation Waiting Period to 1 hour | |
17 | Reduce incentives for sETH/ETH Uniswap pool | IanC |
18 | Temporary iETH limits | |
19 | Cancel ArbRewarder's SNX Rewards | |
20 | Reduce SNX rewards for sETH/ETH Uniswap pool | |
22 | Reduce Rewards On Curve | |
23 | Reduce SNX rewards for sETH/ETH Uniswap pool | |
24 | Setting initial differential fee levels | |
25 | Reduce Liquidation Time Delay | |
26 | Lower c-ratio to 750% | |
27 | Reduce Collateral Ratio For sETH Loans | |
28 | Reduce Rewards On Curve - SNX 32,000 | |
29 | End SNX rewards for sETH/ETH Uniswap pool v1 | |
30 | Lower c-ratio to 700% | |
31 | Increase Commodity Fees | |
32 | Increase Fees on Stock Synths | |
35 | Reduce Rewards On Curve to 24,000 SNX | |
36 | Increase Fees on Stock Synths 50 bp | |
37 | Increase Fees on Silver to 50 bp | |
38 | Increase Fees on Silver and Gold to 100 bp | |
39 | Increase Forex Fees | |
40 | Increase Fee Reclamation Waiting Period to 10 minutes | |
41 | Lower C-Ratio by 100% to 600% | |
42 | Lower rewards on Curve to SNX 8,000 | |
43 | Pollux Updates for Chainlink Oracles | |
44 | Drop EtherCollateral fees to zero | |
47 | Raise Fees on Crypto Synths to 50 bp | |
48 | Raise Fees on Crypto Synths to 100 bp | |
49 | Distribute 16k SNX to iETH incentives | |
50 | Pause s/iDEFI ahead of LEND->AAVE migration | |
51 | Update sDEFI index | |
52 | Change Debt Snapshot Stale Time to 4 Hours | |
53 | Remove LEND Aggregator from ExchangeRates contract | |
55 | Change Debt Snapshot Stale Time to 12 Hours | |
56 | Reduce exchange fees of sETH and sBTC to 0.3% | |
57 | Reduce fee reclamation window to three minutes (180 seconds) | |
58 | Increase Fees on DEFI and CEX to 100 bp | |
59 | Reduce the target Collateralisation Ratio for SNX stakers to 500% | |
60 | Suspend sBCH and iBCH synths until after BCH hard fork | |
61 | Increase fees on iETH to 0.50% | |
62 | Increase fees on iETH to 0.75% and sETH to 0.50% | |
63 | Remove Temporary iETH limits | |
64 | Increase fees on iBTC to 0.50% | |
65 | Increase fees on sBTC to 0.50% and iBTC to 0.75% | |
66 | Increase Spartan Council seats to 8 | |
67 | Change Configurable Values for SIP-97 and SIP-103 | SynthaMan, Kaleb |
68 | Increase Fee Reclamation Waiting Period to 6 minutes | |
69 | Increase Fees on Leveraged Inverse Synths | Kaleb, Spreek, Danijel, farmwell |
70 | Raise maxDebt on Multi-Collateral Loans to sUSD 20 million from sUSD 10 million | Kaleb |
71 | Lower Fees on Frozen Inverse Synths | |
72 | Inverse Synths Leverage Fee Adjustment (iBNB) | |
73 | Inverse Synths Leverage Fee Adjustment (iETH) | |
77 | Update sDEFI and iDEFI | |
78 | Change Spartan Council Epoch to quarterly (3 months) | |
79 | Increase Account Mergers Deadline | |
80 | Lower Fees on Selected Synths | |
82 | Decrease Collateralization&Liquidation Ratio on sUSD Loans to 130% from 150% | |
83 | Apply Market Closure Mechanism on Forex and Commodity Synths | |
84 | Lower Fees on iETH | |
85 | Increase loans and shorts cap to 30 million | |
86 | Initialize New Account Merging Window | |
87 | Increase loans and shorts cap to sUSD 40 million | |
88 | Increase loans and shorts cap to sUSD 50 million | |
89 | Redirect iETH rewards to sETH Shorting Rewards | |
90 | Update priceDeviationThresholdFactor to 1.6 | |
91 | Increase loans and shorts cap to sUSD 65 million from sUSD 50 million | |
92 | Distribute 16k SNX to sBTC shorting reward incentives | |
93 | Slighly increase the circuit breaker deviation | |
94 | Increase loans and shorts cap to sUSD 75 million from sUSD 65 million | |
95 | Increase loans and shorts cap to sUSD 90 million from sUSD 75 million | |
96 | Increase L2 Target C-Ratio To 1000% | |
97 | Increase migrateEntriesThresholdAmount to 164500 | |
98 | Rebalance sDEFI and iDEFI | |
100 | Initial Parameters of ETH Wrappr | |
101 | Decrease Cap on sUSD and sETH loans | |
102 | Increase Cap on Wrappr from 5k ETH to 15k ETH | |
103 | Increase Issue Fee Rate on ETH backed loans to 2% | |
104 | Lower the Wrppr MintFeeRate to 100 bp from 200 bp | |
105 | Increase Cap on Wrappr to 50k ETH from 15k ETH | |
108 | Reduce Issue Fee Rate on ETH backed loans to 50 bp from 200 bp | |
109 | Lower the Wrppr MintFeeRate to 50 bp from 100 bp | |
110 | Increase Cap on Wrappr to 75k ETH from 50k ETH | |
111 | Lower the Wrppr MintFeeRate to 37.5 bp from 50 bp | |
112 | Ending Trial ETH Loan Programs | |
113 | Decrease SNX Inflationary Rewards on Curve to 6k SNX | |
114 | Lower the Wrppr MintFeeRate to 25 bp from 37.5 bp | |
115 | Increase Cap on Wrappr to 100k ETH from 75k ETH | |
116 | Reduce Issue Fee Rate on ETH backed loans to 25 bp from 50 bp | |
117 | Lower the Wrppr MintFeeRate to 5 bp from 25 bp | |
118 | Increase Cap on Wrappr to 125k ETH from 100k ETH | |
119 | Decrease SNX Inflationary Rewards on ETH shorts to 8k SNX from 16k SNX | |
120 | Decrease SNX Inflationary Rewards on BTC shorts to 8k SNX from 16k SNX | |
121 | Increase Cap on Wrappr to 175k ETH from 125k ETH | |
123 | Remove SNX Inflationary Rewards on ETH shorts | |
125 | Remove SNX Inflationary Rewards on BTC shorts | |
126 | Initiate New Account Merging Window | |
127 | Lower Target Collateralization Ratio 450% from 500% | |
128 | Lower Target Collateralization Ratio from 450% to 400% | |
131 | Increase migrateEntriesThresholdAmount to 720000 | |
132 | Fee Rates for L2 Exchanging | |
133 | Increase volume partner rewards to 10K SNX p/month | |
134 | Reduce L2 Target C-Ratio To 900% | |
135 | Open Account Merging Continuously | |
136 | Increase L2 Inflationary Rewards to 50k | |
137 | Reduce L2 Target C-Ratio To 750% | |
138 | Reduce L2 Target C-Ratio To 600% | |
139 | Re-enable price feeds that certain live markets on Thales Protocol rely on | |
140 | Reduce L2 Target C-Ratio To 500% | |
141 | Up the Weekly SNX Minting reward | |
142 | Increase L2 Inflationary Rewards to 75k | |
143 | Increase L2 ETH Wrappr Max cap to 1,500 ETH and Lower Minting Fee to 5 bp | |
144 | Increase L2 ETH Wrappr Max cap to 2,200 ETH | |
145 | Increase L2 ETH Wrappr Minting Fee to 250 bp | |
146 | Disabling New Shorts From Being Open Mainnet | |
147 | Increasing the cap on the DAI wrappr to 30m and lower the minting fee on DAI to 5 bp | |
148 | Increase Cap on LUSD Wrappr to 30 million sUSD On L2 | |
149 | Update Atomic Swap Parameters | |
150 | Wrappr Parameter Changes (L2) | |
151 | Wrappr Parameter Changes (L1) | |
152 | Increase LUSD Wrappr cap to 50m sUSD (L2) | |
153 | Increase Volume Cap on Atomic Exchanges | |
154 | Include sEUR to Atomic Exchanges | |
156 | Update LUSD Wrappr Parameters | |
157 | Update sETH/ETH Wrappr Parameters | |
158 | Update sETH/ETH Wrappr Parameters | |
159 | Allow for sETH borrowing against ETH deposits | |
160 | Update LUSD Wrappr Parameters | |
161 | Increase L2 Inflationary Rewards to 100k | |
162 | Update Parameters of Atomic Swap | |
163 | Update Optimism Chainlink Oracles to OCR | |
164 | Extend burn lock to seven days | |
165 | Update LUSD Wrappr Parameters | |
166 | Lower L2 Exchange fees to 25 bp | |
167 | Lower baseBorrowRate on Synth Loans to 0.25% | |
168 | Update Parameters of Layer 2 Wrapprs | |
169 | Update Parameters of Dynamic fees | |
170 | Update Parameters of ETH Wrappr | |
171 | Increase `BaseFee` on AVAX to 35 bp from 25 bp | |
172 | Decrease `minInitialMargin` for futures markets from 100 to 40 sUSD | |
173 | Update Base Fees | |
174 | Update Base Fees | |
175 | Update Base Fees | |
176 | Update Base Fees | |
177 | Update Base Fees | |
178 | Disable New Loans against renBTC | |
179 | Update Futures Fees | |
180 | Unpause Futures Markets | |
181 | Unpause Futures Markets | |
182 | Update Open Interest Limits | |
183 | Update Dynamic Fee Parameters | |
184 | Update Open Interest Limits | |
185 | Update Open Interest Limits | |
186 | Lower Rate Stale Period | |
187 | Update Open Interest Limits - Increase sGOLD (sXAU) | |
189 | Change SNX inflationary distribution ratio | |
190 | Update Fees & Atomic Volatility Circuit Breakers Parameters | |
191 | Update Futures Fees Parameters | |
192 | Futures - Lower min keeper fee from 20 sUSD to 5. | |
193 | Lower LUSD Wrapper Burn Fee | |
194 | Increase ETH Futures Base Fee | |
195 | Increase Max Initial Leverage | |
196 | Pause Increase in Base Inflation | |
198 | Adjust LUSD Wrapprs | |
199 | Lower C-Ratio and adjust parameters for SIP-148 | |
200 | Adjust LUSD Wrappr Parameters | |
202 | Lower the skew scale | |
203 | Increase ETH Wrappr Burn Fee Rate to 5% | |
204 | Raising the target c-ratio to 350% | Gauntlet |
206 | Update LUSD Wrapper Parameters | |
208 | Lower target staking ratio | |
209 | Update Synth Loans Backed by ETH | |
210 | Improve Pricing of Atomic Swaps | |
211 | Increase target staking ratio and lower adjustments and decay rate | Danijel |
212 | Raise the skew scale | |
213 | Change Oracle Source To 30BP ETH/USDC | |
214 | Update Fees on Silver Futures | |
215 | Lower `minKeeperFee` to 1 sUSD | |
216 | Raising the target c-ratio to 400% and decreasing liquidation ratio to 145% | Gauntlet |
217 | Lower Atomic Twap Window | |
219 | Update Atomic Swaps | |
221 | Update Futures & Spot Price Parameters | |
222 | Unpause Futures Markets - DebtRatio ,DOGE & BNB | |
223 | Increase Max Initial Leverage on Traditional Markets | |
226 | Increase Atomic Exchange Fees - ETH | |
227 | Increase Atomic Twap Window - Atomic Swaps | |
228 | Unpause XMR Market | |
230 | Increase number of serving Ambassadors | Millie, Matt, Mojo |
231 | Temporarily Lower Max Atomic Volume Per Block | |
232 | Lower Target Collateralization Ratio 350% from 400% temporarily | |
233 | Unpause OP Market | |
234 | Addressing an Issue in SNX Inflation Released on 07/09/2022 | |
235 | Update Atomic Swap Parameters | |
236 | Update Futures Markets Parameters | |
237 | Update Debt-PERP Market Parameters | |
238 | Increase BTC Futures Market Open Interest | |
239 | Update OP-PERP Market Parameters | |
240 | Raising the target c-ratio to 400% | Gauntlet |
241 | Update DOGE Futures Parameters | |
242 | Update Atomic Swap Fees | |
243 | Update SOL-PERP | |
244 | Increase exchange fees for sSOL | |
245 | Update SOL perp parameters | |
246 | Update staking liquidation parameters | |
250 | Update Open Interest Limits | Synthquest |
252 | LUSD Unwrap | |
254 | Update ETH Exchange Fee | |
256 | Update Atomic Swap Parameters | |
257 | Update Cross Asset Swaps - 1inch Integration | |
258 | Update Debt-PERP Market Parameters | |
260 | Update Synthetix Liquidation Parameters | |
261 | Increase Max Initial Leverage Slightly on All Markets | |
262 | Increase Spot sETH Fees | |
263 | Cross Asset Swap Parameters / 1inch Integration | |
264 | DAI Wrapper | |
265 | Update ETH Wrapper Parameters | |
268 | Update staking liquidation parameters | |
269 | Update Fees - Spot Exchanges | |
270 | Lower Max Market Value USD - sDebtRatio | |
271 | Increase PerpsV2 Keeper Incentives | |
272 | Update Wrapper Parameters | |
273 | Pause new loans | |
275 | Update Wrapper Parameters | |
277 | Enable Perps V2 Markets / Update Parameters | |
278 | Unwind Perps V1 Markets | |
279 | Increase ETH Wrapper Capacity | |
280 | Increase the rateStalePeriod | |
281 | Update Atomic Swap Parameters | |
284 | Update ExchangeFeeRate - Non Atomic Trades | |
285 | Increase minimum C-ratio to 500% | William87, Alpha003, poilk |
286 | Increase OI Perp Caps on ETH and BTC | William87, Alpha003, poilk |
287 | Increase OI Perp Caps on ETH and BTC | |
288 | Update Issue Fee Rate - Shorts | |
290 | Increase Perp Max Market Value | William87, Alpha003, poilk |
291 | Increase Max `exchangeMaxDynamicFee` | Kaleb |
293 | Update Perp Parameters | |
294 | Pause Decrease in SNX Base Inflation | |
295 | Deter Trading with Atomic & Delayed Orders | |
296 | Lower Max Liquidation Fee | |
297 | Lower Liquidator Fee Ratio | Fifa |
298 | Increase Max Funding Velocity | Fifa |
300 | Set council minimumActiveMembers to n-1 | |
304 | snxETH V3 Spot Market | Afif, Noah |
2000 | Enable Perps V2 Markets / Update Parameters | Kaleb, Fifa |
2001 | Increase `minKeeperFee` | |
2002 | Increase `maxLeverage` by 10% | |
2003 | Bedrock Perp Market Preparations | |
2004 | Enable Perps V2 Markets / Update Parameters - Batch 2 | |
2005 | Update Perp Parameters | |
2006 | Update Dynamic Gas Module Parameters | |
2007 | Disabling New Shorts From Being Open | |
2008 | Sunset Perps V1 Markets | |
2009 | Lower `offchainDelayedOrderMinAge` and `offchainDelayedOrderMaxAge` | |
2010 | Update 1inch Cross Asset Swap Direct Integration | |
2011 | Update DAI Wrapper Parameters | |
2012 | Double Max Market Value of OP-PERP | Burt Rock, Fifa Bobeefa, LONO |
2013 | Update 1inch Cross Asset Swap Direct Integration | |
2014 | Update Perp Parameters | |
2015 | stETH Perp Parameters | |
2016 | Update PEPE and FLOW Perp OI | |
2017 | Increase Price Divergence PEPE | |
2018 | Update Perp Parameters | |
2019 | Update Perp Parameters - Offchain Maker Fee | |
2020 | Update Perp Parameters - offchainDelayedOrderMinAge | |
2021 | Update Perp Parameters - FTM Market | |
2022 | Update Perp Parameters - MaxPD and MaxLiquidationDelta | |
2023 | Update Perp Parameters - MaxMarketValue | |
2024 | Update Perp Parameters - XRP Skew Scale | |
2025 | Update Perp Parameters - Increase Max Market Value | |
2026 | Update Perp Parameters - Update `offchainDelayedOrderMinAge` | |
2027 | Update Perp V2 Parameters | |
2028 | Update DAI Wrapper `maxTokenAmount` | |
2029 | Enable Perps V2 Markets / Update Parameters | |
2030 | Update Perp Parameters | |
2031 | Update Perp Parameters - Increase CRV Max Market Value | |
2032 | Perp Parameters - WLD | |
2033 | Update Perp Parameters - Update WLD Skew Scale | |
2034 | Update Perp Parameters | |
2035 | Update 1inch Integration - Fusion Address | |
2036 | Update USDT Perps V2 - `maxPD` and `maxLiquidationDelta` | |
2037 | Increase `maxPriceDivergence` for perps v2 markets | |
2038 | Update Perps V2 Parameters | |
2039 | Update ETH Wrapper `maxTokenAmount` | |
2040 | Update Perp Parameters | |
2041 | Enable Perps V2 Markets / Update Parameters | Kaleb, Fifa |
2042 | Enable Perps V2 Markets - ZRX & UMA | Kaleb, Fifa |
2043 | Update Perp Parameters | |
2044 | Unpause stETH/ETH market | |
2045 | Update Skew Scale Parameters | |
2046 | Update Max Market Value - GMX / LDO | |
2047 | Update 1inch Integration - Fusion Address | |
2048 | Update Max Market Value | |
2049 | Update APE Market Parameters | |
2050 | Update Perps V2 Parameters | |
2051 | Temporarily Boost Optimism's Inflation | |
2052 | Update Perps V2 Parameters | |
2053 | Update Perps V2 Parameters | |
2054 | Update Perps V2 Parameters | |
2055 | Update Perps V2 Parameters |
Number | Title | Author |
21 | Widen iSynth Price Bands | |
33 | Binary Options market undo | |
34 | Binary Options fees distribution | |
46 | Lower C-Ratio by 100% to 500% | |
74 | Time lock on burning after minting Adjustment | |
75 | Inverse Synths Leverage Fee Adjustment (iLINK) | |
76 | Decrease Spartan Council seats to 7 | |
81 | Lower Target Collateralization Ratio 475% | |
99 | Increase loans and shorts cap to sUSD 110 million from sUSD 90 million | |
106 | Reduce Issue Fee Rate on ETH backed loans to 75 bp from 200 bp | |
107 | Lower the Wrppr MintFeeRate to 75 bp from 100 bp | |
122 | Increase Cap on Wrappr to 250k ETH from 175k ETH | |
124 | Rebalance and rename sCEX to sCEFI | |
129 | SCCP-129 Increase exchange fees for s1INCH, sCOMP, and sCRV | |
130 | Raise Fees on Altcoin Synths to 300 bp | |
155 | Ambassador Council modification | Milli3 |
188 | Update Open Interest Limits | |
197 | Define Voting Strategy for Election Module | |
201 | Equalise maker and taker fee for all futures markets | |
205 | Raising the min cratio to 400% | |
207 | Lower target c-ratio to 300% | |
218 | Update ETH Wrapper Parameters | |
220 | Revert SCCP-216 Parameter Changes for Optimism | Gauntlet |
224 | Lower Max Atomic Volume Per Block | |
225 | Raising the target c-ratio to 450% | Gauntlet |
229 | Lower Target Collateralization Ratio 350% from 400% | |
249 | Raising the target c-ratio to 425% | Gauntlet |
253 | Update ETH Wrapper Parameters | |
255 | Update Atomic Swap Parameters | |
259 | Update Dynamic Fee Rounds | |
266 | Parameter Changes for the Liquidation Ratio, Liquidation Penalty, and Self Liquidation Penalty | Gauntlet |
283 | Update Perp Markets Skew Scale | |
289 | Update Wrapper Parameters | |
301 | Set Spartan Council minimumActiveMembers to n-4 | |
302 | Reduction in the Length of Council Election Periods | |
303 | Extend Governance Epoch Duration from Three to Four Months | TerraBellus, CT, Artsychoke, MiLLiΞ |
Number | Title | Author |
247 | Update Atomic Exchange Fees / 1inch Integration | |
248 | Update Atomic Exchange Fees / 1inch Integration | |
251 | Update Atomic Exchange Parameters - 1inch Integration | |
267 | 1inch Integration - Cross Asset Atomic Swaps | |
274 | Add 1inch Direct Integration Cross Asset Swaps / Fusion Mode | |
276 | Update 1inch Fusion Contracts | |
282 | Update 1inch Cross Asset Swap Address | |
292 | Update 1inch Cross Asset Swap Direct Integration | |
299 | Update 1inch Cross Asset Swap Direct Integration |